James Driskill <realuphuman.net@gmail.com>

Crazy World Future Words -- Do we want to change our Thoughts of Mind Presence to Conscience Effort
1 message

Real Up Human [.net] <realuphuman.net@gmail.com>Sat, May 14, 2016 at 1:21 PM
To: CommunityFutureTime-HonestyIsOnlyTheWayWeCanBe@realuphuman.net

There is no sense in the denial of the pretense that this is not true.

So you either forward yourself my view -- or you do not.

But know I have a listening audience outside of this local community.

Know also there is absolutely no person on this planet that I am not willing to reach
out to.  That would be apparent from my prior tweets to account @BarrackObama
in regards to the events that occurred in my eviction case in Oakland WG06266106.

Therefore, why do you think it would be any different now here in Denver when I
am basically receiving [ or literally not receiving ] replies or returns for my writing
addresses out to anyone in view of my community.

This is not a proper way to associate with a community member -- it is in essence
HIGHLY OPPRESSIVE and DISMISSIVE which is DISENFRANCHISED DISCRIMINATION against the faction of idealism addressed at the World Summit of the Information Society in 2003 and 2005.

When you specifically do not reply to a single question posed in an email to you
from another -- such as I,

You are against the grain of the morality and the socialistic invitations of common
idealism created and addressed in the worldwide order of what is ultimately the highest
obtainable goal of presence where peace building over war and other conflicts are truly
set in active motion.

So yesterday and today I have tweeted with the current Roman Catholic POPE in view of my opinions, to what is the TwitterID: @Pontifex Pope Francis in this year of writing 2016 but these words are actually timeless to the presentation of thoughts to active conscience efforts future forward.

From these mission goals of both enabling access and retrieval of information facts
and/or fiction [ entertainment or otherwise ] along with the dual passing traffic of allowance to be an inclusive participant in this stream of information bits and bytes back from them into anywhere out to the world.  Their input of any matter what soever any one so chooses on their priority of life within this informational theory order is important to enable.  To enable forever and the ever forever of ideal of what would be for the infinity of time of human all time history forever.  

What is the plausible knowing concepts of the noosphere true to understanding these words are timeless to the now and present and so soon future time to the world of words of ideas and thoughts and they be forever to the long time future of permanence to be never lost.

If I can write in this way, so can others write this way to be captured and mixed into the thoughts future time of others, partial_thoughts mixed with partial_thoughts mixed with partial_thoughts space out between 5 to 6 hundred years is so just possible to the knowing informational theory here so being presented and recorded to the world of the now. 

So if that is the case, then we must enable one's point of view now so that it might be pressed or mixed or what is called recombiant memeitcs into a new thought -- that just might be the answers of all answers that we humans have been seeking.   This
comes from enabling these technologies to each and every one human being across the global planet we call Earth and enabling it forever. .

Without this vision of arching to this highest possible archival upward ceiling of
perspective, there will not be time to be able to hold a vision of peace complete
above the obstacles of disassociation and distractions and dysfunction and disorder of a war probable always ever.

When these ideals of scope of focus of your intentions and actions are time based
 to the elements you don't see that peace complete vision at your
most soon future time to bring into priority and awareness for your daily focus,
you lose some and drastically lose you do, the perspectives that all men are
created equal and that we can in fact fix what is fixable, work what is workable,
correct what is correctable, and create new things possible from those new
forms of a more underling foundation of ideas bearing its truths to a more
perfect union.  As each day passing becomes brighter to the peace and
goodwill of all mankind. There is no expiration in time view within one's own
individual lifetime that this vision should not be held into account and pursued upon
of a obtainable goal to its functional presence of future time creations.

That is the presence of mind in the founding fathers of the United States of
America in the creation of the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution
of the United States and other documents of this countries foundation starting point
by the executed accepted approval of the majority of these foundation documents
written in and around the year of 1776.

But I say the ideals of the foundation of our country is flawed to the fact that
much of founding fathers ideals have been lost and if so we could take
their brain of intentions and thoughts and place it into a vessel from their
time to bring forward to now.  To talk with them face to face today, I and
many others have this point of view, they would say and conclude we
have lost our way.  Much of the foundation of their creation were other peoples
creations of thoughts from prior years long time past most traced back the
Magna Carta year 1215 and embedded into new idealist words therefore as an completely absolute stretch of new thought out of nothing, it is not.

What was then new ideals set forth therein into motion where that ALL MEN
UNION, of that year 1776, we have been lied to so much by our leaders of
political factions through most recent years to be cheated of our freedoms
of thought to be now stuck at hurtful moral debate of causes and actions.

Why can we not see these things are true and move immediately and
righteously out of this conflicted disorder and into something much
much better than we are used to believing?  We can and we should.

But then again, you think the time to which our brains and thoughts and
intentions cannot be captured into a vessel to create such a outlandish
argument here to then create onto making this an idealistic thought of
making choice bearing correct decisions, because we don't care about
the past -- only the short term future.

That is the problematic falseness of thought - because in fact we may be
in the moment of creations when just so possible is that brain essential
capture of an entire human brain of it's thoughts, feelings, emotions, and
what would be their desires onto their fantasy and imaginative creations
which would then continue on from death -- an immortal vessel of brain
to new dimensions.  So we can do that almost knowingly possible to the
knowing the foundation theory of technology is in fact achievable and not
a delirious concept or works of complete out right science fiction.

So if this is true, which it is, why can we not stop to think at the cost of
human pretense to stop lying to each other, stop knowing when we are
not moral and go against and act anyway.  Why do we do these things
if in fact we know sometime in some distant future we cannot possibly
be able to get away with such hypocrisy and deceptions.

Knowing the time now to our creator upward onto the reverence of God
if that is so you desire or faith or believe, that the creation of a new world
perspective is not the way the world was anymore. 

Even though it never suggested to ignore what was something that others were
reverent to teach in the wisdom we should, we thought it was not as important
when we were able to slide under the invisible sheet of cloak in time and distance
or even of a the current day metaphor of radio-scope radar and reap its rewards
and quickly run or escape away or isolate ourselves in among socialite peers of
privilege and not be so outed to its detraction of reputation of our character to the masses.

For now it matters --- That time now which we can be actually scan into
presence of the mindset -- your brain or mine -- and now in fact we can
scan your morality and character into an chart of mathematical values
and make that comparison against mine. If so too we can do this, to which
we can, where will be the line we draw in the sand of allowance. 

Whom is better or worse or lessor or higher than who?  You will find it
a surprising answer that no one will pass completely to an highest order.

In fact, most will fail at the scale of what you thought you might have been.

So now is time when you think it be wise to better yourself to the moral
class of truth, wisdom and virtue that you read about but never truly
thought important to follow at a glance always forever. 

You skewed the truth here and there, knowing it would not catch up to you. 

But now you know it might just so be a cross of time when just such a
dismissed actions of careless options you created against the grain of moral performance might actually be the one that makes the difference in the next
period of time in your life.

In the case of Bill Cosby it would be apparent this case of awareness has already
shown it's modern day presence to the discrediting of a legend
of masterful comedy and essentially a role model to many many many from youth
to now adult,  The betrayal is not so much the criminal assault actions against women
after women in his past time years exposed now.  As a total hurtful measure scale,
this is not as high of fault as the continued denial even after what he actually filed and
testified truth in court to the facts that he thought being of a privileged class of his own the actual truth would and should remain burred and not be exposed till after his death.  Therefore individually he would not succumb to any current life time consequences.  That model ultimately proved to be false to rely upon and more to the point the higher scope fault of moral hurt is the lies and deceptions and denial to the final end to the masses of his statements made even though he knew what he knew he already filed in court.  Therefore, in that denial he lost all creditable forgiveness to the masses.  That is truly the higher moral fault than that of the actions against the women, even though those women here hurt and victimized and should and do deserve a voice and feeling of their healing acknowledgments to forthright bring forward the truth and any justice that might do upon the facts.  So this model of shuffle down the truth does not always pan out, why do we do this anyway.

For now we understand a science better than even just mere overarching pressures of
rumor stories giving into weighty truth as its presented and collected by each women coming up forward into view after view. 

The scientific facts now also say,

It may be just be that possible to dissect your experiences down to that time
and that each and every minor level of each action best done truthfully
of conscience or false-fully of selfish intents are mapped into the essence
of the brain structures you are thinking and reading these words now from
and projected onto a chart of your overall character.

If we can vision that is possible.  It would be best to change in direction
of thought to that level of conscience ideal no matter what you think of your
life now, your life future now might be way way different if you think straight
to the now knowing possible and make that change now for now is that
time when a possible future is shown to you in these words -- and you
have chosen once again to ignore the possible for you must not truly
care for your future possible success to break away from the rest in
totally choice freedom until you undergo intensive function truth analysis
of why you are in the mindset you are in and will not choose to accept
the truth of existence, you are a threat to own self to not know this future

So be yourself and be yourself wise.

Know that you have been told this future time truth.

And know that you did not listen -- and you regret so you show
yourself to fall from grace justified to the order you were told so
and did not make a change.  That is your failure that you lost your
way and the result is your punishment onto the new world future
days when you will not be the one others look up to but look
down upon and wonder why why why why why did you do that
to yourself.?  Why why why would you not see the truth.?

Why would you not be @GruwUp over grown up and now forever to
be for the good of all, it must be said of you,

Good @FuckedUpHuman Bye!







You may ask, where do I start this change?

If you ask, you may seek these words here [ http://wordstoliveby.gruwup.net/ ]

To the online web narrative version here:


This is a good place to start.