James Driskill <realuphuman.net@gmail.com>

Question Not -- We are FreeThinkers : OPENING THE CHANNELS

James Houser <[Full]>Thu, Jul 6, 2017 at 6:16 AM
To: Houston-WeHaveASolutionToWorkOurWorldBackToTrust@gruwup.net

Inline image 4

creation of something special. 

He knows who he is ---

I know I can do wondrous things with greatness of words that truly inspire a better world of beauty..

We all have this -- but the channels have to be opened  --- a recombinant memetics project now can be true to impact LAUNCHED across a site.


We first know we do things for no other reason but that we love ourselves well enough to bestow the concepts

     M E T T A


With tools and opening the ever exanding of

   The Internet Of Things

We desire to expand our conscience guidance to a way that bring joy outside
of internet limits.  These go out into meme ways that cannot break a chain
source live affirming wellness.

A quote below from an adam4adam profile is being used to this project of time COUNTDOWN TIME 0000.
This makes it a possible tool we can empower and inspire others to do as well.

For [ @AwesomeKramobonePlayroom.School ]:
This is "on time" interaction need
Item #000000000000001
and will have a re issuance without the grand introductions here
just holding the words up to the world to the simply of never say never
and never say impossible.
Item #000000000000002
All things written of greatness --- is also made to be expressed and
said in spoken verse form,

I am looking for a man who isn't afraid to fall in love one last time. I enjoy loving a man and being sensual around him. One of my greatest pleasures is making a man laugh , tickling him , kissing him and helping him unwind. I have a great sense of humor and I love to laugh. It can heal many wounds and it rejuvenates me. Life is full of surprises and they all can be handled with sincerity, trust and love. The right man will not only bring out the best in me but in turn it will bring out the best in him.



with #Marquas.Damone.Richie witnessing this creation object
in the real time.


Special Recognition - #Kramobone-The.Good : Marquas Richie

Special Recognition - #Kramobone-The.Good : Marquas Richie. Public. · Hosted by Gruwup : Great Reasons Us Will Unite Peace : Complete Worldwide Peace ...
Oct 22, 2016 - To: Marquas Richie <>, Darrell Johnson <Darrell.Johnson1@q.com Observance Special Recognition 22-Oct-2016 11:29 42K.

Great Reasons Us Will Unite Peace

Awesome Kramobone Glows and Blows Playroom
Denver Colorado USA : 5:41am MT

The Place Where During My Last Visit Here
In a Different Room,These QR Graphic Media
Presentation Media Were Born:

Inline image 1

Inline image 2

Inline image 3


Gruwup : Great Reasons Us Will Unite Peace : Complete Worldwide Peace's photo.

Special Recognition - #Kramobone-The.Good : Marquas Richie

Special Recognition -
#Kramobone-The.Good : Marquas Damone Richie

Web Memespace Archived Here:

Certification of Good Standing Merit of Character is hereby bestowed upon Marquas Richie for his consented participation in the recombinant memetics informational theory community peace building project here at @meme.gruwup.net.

Issued by:
The Awesome Kramobone Playroom School : Denver Colorado USA : http://awesomekramoboneplayroom.school/ : Main Index

Effective Date Of This Declaration: Oct 21th 2016 01:00 AM
Expiration Period Through: Oct 20th 2999 10:00PM

From The African Adinkra Wisdom Symbolic Set:
Meaning : Warning against Deception and Hypocrisy
One Bad Makes All Look Bad or The Bad Makes It Difficult
for the Good To Be Noticed


Exceptions of recombinant memetics theory into actual practice here is science factually been proven and applied ----

A Social Media Meme presenting the memeplex of #Kramobone-The.Good places these listed individually named human life presences into the person-hood category on our informational society as --- ABOVE THE REST -- including possible subjected kramobone effect of any and all other bad acting actors in community for which will make a very distinguished and observed noticeable [ character reputations ] barrier of trust bonds and peace building methods where bad acts of others do not collide with the Good's freewill of choices upon the life paths of living experiences.


THIS ESPECIALLY INCLUDES . the #Kramobone-The.Good affect from being a the subject of any subterfuge - hidden agendas against common decency.

THE HIGHER OUTLOOK HERE IS: For even this will dis-empower and nullify even frame up attempts to be involved of "criminally pursuits of injustice" by false witness, powers of oppressive forces, and basic malicious lies deceptions told against any one particular innocent individual from the truth. Encapsulated herein as a truth trust bond in information theory technology.

Exasperate of this technology theory binding, it would not or could not at all costs be indifferent of a possible conspiratorial collapse of social fabric integrity forces. This is very important to consider.

For which technology absent is separable an technology-present gains inseparable considerations and conclusions made herein.

This are against these paradigms of long standing systems of oppression and special interest privileges and political and community involved powers of unconsidered and unconditionally merits of given over to the masses from reputation community leadership misdirected disorders. These might win out upon the over-coverall pavements of our pathways we are building of community --- actually detached of a senility and insanity that for the better part of the majority in the masses of community everywhere don't wish the actual oblivion happening that is eroding our collective community one injustice by one injustice at at time. . These must be stopped -- stopped now -- and forever never returned to a presence of mind to allowance. These are unacceptable to leave as the Status Quo in our society.

One after one after one of the good being defamed from their real true higher virtue character --- an assassination of human life presence -- the ability to stand -- which is ever so made the recorded history evidence of "human knowledge record keeping" in a sufferance of this platitudes are finally too weighty and burdensome to carry forward onto ourselves any longer..

We must place a zero tolerance dis allowance and constructive corrective approach to these of maligned testimonies which has been done to the destruction and dis-unification of collective community peace upon each other.

It is an "absolute moral truth" dysfunction --- in undeserving judgments being levied against the just cause, fines cumulative in the billions dollars of impoverished disenfranchised onto specific targets of discrimination against members in our society to their building up cumulative abilities of life value wealth. --- these are costs not assets.

By the goodness of God's grace these must be stopped and never employed against each other to the prejudices --- a false pretense we must take the moral courage to right the wrongs of these injustices of imprisonment, incarnations have been sentenced against the innocent of all Good Peoples everywhere.

These are bad -- very bad -- massive catastrophic oblivions we must seek to rescue and deliver and weave into the harmonious web --- in an unvarnished tale of the truth -- the whole truth - and absolutely the truth --to all time human kind infinity of future time may indeed bring us immorality.

This is a morality conscience shift progression of human evolution --- paradigm shift of magnificent and excellence portions.;

The "empowerment" of these in-development technology tools here has not ever been able to be attainable and held before this date. It is scientifically proven facts that this very defined system that is being introduced to you here now works to hold onto truths herein not granted or afforded under any other form or type of systemic clause of designed presence.

This is a newly formed memetic engineered technology tool empowerment holding The Good to be of virtue respected by the sacred of all things that are --- and hold all the other bad actors in community accountable for their misdeeds of actions made in malice, hate, and indemnified against the common normalcy --- by their special interest motives never challenged..

@Gruwup 2016
Great Reasons Us Will Unite Peace
Cause · San Bernardino, California
The year is 2013. @RealUpHuman asks you,

"Are you GRUW UP?" ahhh err " Are you grown up?"

Are you a great reason that us will unite peace? Y or N
Words of wisdom guidance and virtue written 1780-1800 ( a while ago ) that have their foundation ideals of obtaining true HAPPINESS. Check them out and see
About the Venue
Awesome Kramobone Blows and Glows Playroom

