James Driskill
making the world a better place at Awesome Kramobone Blows and Glows Playroom.
Relationships and Balance : Adult consensual concepts placed to the
order of things done right --- This is only option here to continue ]
This I had to write out to someone in private. That person from a
group I just entered into as source a Wiccan Forum. This is really
really disturbing.
"Ain't It Harm None, Do What Thou Will" ♾#LeaveMyTextAlone
is the law of our Wiccan Rede ♾#ActiveCreations
This, however it may be silent to her, is in fact not a peaceful away of sharing and relating to others.
If we were playing any kind of game of any kind that puts a challenge before me and goal that you have any kind way to change that ending goal. For it will always change with you to a different resolve .
All this is to you a humorous game in an attempt for you to keep me here staying entertained in between. Instead of the seriousness of life to messages I say, you are always making it about the next move.
I am telling you its done. For even if we were in a game of 52 card pickup, you would never confess the 52nd card was the last one and make that last move of the game and stop. Well this one man here does not work to play the seriousness of life in a game that way.
I got you lady. This is absolutely now absurd resolvable level. A category of calling you out, I would have my own better luck in my own picking numbers of lottery in winning the jackpot than any kind of favor of respect from you.
This kind of game is not nice but dark deed evil play of mind games when I never gave you that consent authority. Perhaps we could have been in that mode, role play is a part of my space, but you wont give it a chance to work from serious of life is the position I choose to enter into. That was my stated intentions and never stated otherwise.
If you had another hidden agenda position points of view, even if so innocent to work role play into this seriousness conversation. You needed to place an intention into that contact stream at me. You had that obligation to make that presence known of you onto me, I am no mind reader at this glance distance and for sure at a very initiation of a relationship.
This grants both us our options respectfully keeping the balance if we choose in the adult way our consent intermixed to play as that could be granted.
Otherwise consents here are out of their moral lines. Continuing in this disrespecting imbalanced way is dirty deeds done dirt cheap. [ ref: ac/dc ] and must be ceased and terminated immediately.
That is the way you lost it. Ii might have been a fun time to learn about each other on all levels. For that is a grand failure and disappointment. Perhaps maybe you agree.
It is disgusting for you as Wiccan woman to be employing such tactics here at the first start of this conversation in this contentious way. You are exposed to this game you are playing. This is the truth. This matter is closed. Good good day!!
Closed by Seal : Unless you offer me either one of these back of you in return - you are done. I have the last move.
James-Driskill-California-51616.pdf [ Truthfinder background check
report ] : Chat Conversation End
@Gruwup 2016 :
Great Reasons Us [ You There, I and All Here ] Will Unite Peace
Awesome Kramobone Playroom, Denver Colorado USA, an adult school
learning / sharing space presenting adult consensual practices and other
various explorations of mind, body and thought.
☀In The Mindway Skin☀ :
It Is The Pathway That The Mind Travels That Is So Sacred
We Are All Sharing So Free Without Hatred
#KeepAllNameAssocationsTogether ]
There Are No Limits To Stop Us
So No Reason To Quit
The Universe Of Happiness Is Out There
Lets Get On IT, It's Our Trip
#[ _________________________ ]
-April-30-1999 ---------> May-17-2016