The Community as a Whole Must Seek To Understand Each Other
Spoken Voice Mp3 Audio [part 1]:[1].mp3Spoken Voice Mp3 Audio [part 2]:[2].mp3-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Mmere Dane : Time Changes : Change, Life's Dynamics

It is hard to know when people are really ignorant or just playing stupid.
am not trying to offend anyone here, just know that at the time of this
technology news article, I read about this subject. It may not have
been this exact article, but it was about the technology it holds into
its view.
This is from the year of April 2003. This is when I
knew that there will be a time that comes that cash, and other items of
items of high value, such as gold, diamonds, jewelry, or other things
like high value electronics will have what is now RFID or other kinds
of invisible tracking circuitry on them that will be undetectable to the
unknown persons eye view or even perhaps even to hand held or lesser
powerful electronic detection When more and more items are tagged with
this technology, this will become a more wider spread knowledge. But it
will be more a unknown risk for those who are interceding to conduct an
unjust or illegal act attached to the item.
So many different
options of how to create and manage a communication channel with these
tiny circuits, the world is going to change drastically when the cost of
this technology lowers into marketability.
RFID uses particular
sets of harmless to life radioactive elements. Other circuits can be
molded to transmit and/or receive on different radio spectrum
bandwidths, or even at the frequency of light. A surface of a item can
become illuminated to an alert.
Perhaps a milk carton that
contains milk that has spoiled. The application of the market for this
would be for those persons who cannot taste or smell. This condition is
real [
] -- this would be a very small market of course. But there is a need
for such, obviously. Here is that device using 3d-printing technology [ ] from June 2015 and another article in July 2015 [ ] has this related quote in it:
researchers published their findings on an RFID tag that would detect
spoiled food last year, and an Indiegogo campaign was launched for a
Foodsniffer device that could also tell when meat was going bad."
broadly though, these perhaps attached to something that crosses into a
certain country boarder can become inactivated and unusable. The global
resale of stolen mobile phones for instance would be the purpose of
such device.
There are so many different objects and things that will be created.
These are all based upon these micro circuity technologies.
time is now is March 2015, that the method of placing this kind of tiny
circuity onto cash is being offered. If people do not realize what
that means.
It means crime is not going to pay very well when
the cash flow is being tracked and there is no way to #1 visually see
it, #2, detect it, and then #3, defeat it.
Read this, for it is a true technology being marketed as of March 2015: is now reality and the time when the term "Crime does not pay" actually is perhaps too risky to deal in.
will never know when they are targeted. The likely targets at first
will be those sources of crime that cause the most harmful effects to
either individuals and/or the society at large. Within the United
States criminal activities that are of a National Security issue will
also be a priority of focus at first.
I think Human Sex
Trafficking is probably one of the worst for it deals in both harms and
international sources with National Security issues,
The market
of sex slavery is pretty high mark of harms. It is the one focused in
the CBS 60 Minutes News Spot on Memex, The Deep Dark Web Search Engine.
two technologies of both cash [ or other high value item likely subject
to theft and resale ] tracking and internet search engine matching thus
begins this era. These are the subjects of watching, Tracking, to then
finally arrest and prosecutions. The technology being used is the
evidence they need to successful conviction and there are no needs to
have large staffs of law enforcement dedicated to investigation and
detective work. The technologies become more an automated train wreck
for criminals who are working bad things in our society. I hope they see
a light and find a new field career path that causes no harm, or better
yet, change their field craft they are using into a legal and harmless
Either way, that must be the answer for one side of society [
The Good ] to be using against [ The Bad ] for they will be forced to
choose a different line of cash income work. Whatever people think,
this is the truth.
The Quickening of Good People over Bad People
has begun. It is the sciences and technology and not GOD and the
RECKONING that is at hand here in this time of our human era. If you
are in a career path, that crime may not longer pay, I suggest you have
found this post well to find a good open heart and change your life to
way that harms are less [ HARM REDUCTION THEORY ] in all things that
humans are, we can can be better NON-VIOLENT peaceful ways if we really
apply good true mind craft onto our desires and needs everywhere.
Such as the actions of the black market in illicit drugs, this is the option of true smarter and wiser choice.
Google Seach:
human brain has truly a desire and perhaps actually a human need in of
itself to at occasion of non-abuse levels experience altered states.
This has been true for many many centuries as a normal part of the human
experience up until modern day life. This is also been historically
proven a truth.
article is balanced to provide both sides of the debate but concludes
as Quote: "Many parapsychologists firmly believe that continued research
into altered states of consciousness may well reveal that humankind's
most important discoveries, its highest peaks of ecstasy, and its
greatest moments of inspiration occur in reverie, in dreams, and in
states of consciousness presently ignored by the professional world and
the general public."
Almost all ancient societies have had
substances to cause altered states up and through into just about the
turning of the 20th century.
The 1950s is perhaps the worst
decade of change of both propaganda produced by the government of the
United States of America against the society and of laws and attitudes
in this area. Before that, we attempted and failed at Prohibition.
Restriction is not the answer. For even if you call one chemical
compound legal and others illegal, actually it is not the chemical that
is harmful but the way it is placed into the market or street [ if you
call it that ] with INFORMED KNOWLEDGE of HARM REDUCTION use or as
UNINFORMED KNOWLEDGE subjects to ABUSE. This also has been pretty much
proven as truth.
Psychology Today : Normalizing Drug Use
+GRUWUP NETOhene : King : Wisdom
Sesa Woruban : Ghange your Life : Transformation, A New Beginning
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